
That's why it's inGenious

Linköping University arranges the inGenious course [799G52] with Almi East Sweden AB, a subsidiary of Almi Företagspartner i Östergötland AB. The course connects students with companies and the public sector in the region - everything in an international environment signified by creativity and entrepreneurship.

This cross-disciplinary course is unique to the Swedish educational system. We want to promote students' entrepreneurial ability and make it possible to acquire professional skills, such as collaborating with other professions and becoming confident and effective in pitching in front of an audience. We do that by using challenge-based learning (CBL). The course also provides the opportunity to make important contacts and build networks.

In this course, students are given the opportunity to collaborate with other students from all faculties in interdisciplinary project groups and together tackle challenges from trade and industry and the public sector in the region. At the end of the course, the students pitch their solutions to challenge providers and other stakeholders.

The project groups own their solutions. This gives opportunities to sell the solution to a challenge provider, to a stakeholder, or to develop it further, with support from Student Innovation by LiU or Lead. That’s why it’s inGenious!

inGenious Challanges

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Compassionate Communities

Good health and well-being
Reduced inequalities
Sustainable cities and communities

In Sweden, substance abuse and mental health issues are pressing societal challenges that are deeply intertwined. The stigma around addiction often prevents individuals from seeking help, worsening the problem. People with addiction issues are particularly vulnerable and frequently overlooked by the societal system, creating a hard-to-break cycle of vulnerability. Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach that combines housing, healthcare, social services, and community support to create sustainable change. This includes offering support for meaningful activities, social connections, and motivational efforts to help individuals commit to a life free from addiction.

Open for application
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Future of Digitalisation

Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Sustainable cities and communities
Peace, justice and strong institutions

Digital services are rapidly transforming the public sector. A critical component of this transformation is understanding how residents interact with municipal services and identifying the needs of entrepreneurs operating within the region. As societal expectations shift towards more accessible and digital solutions, and as digital literacy among the population increases, municipalities must leverage technological advancements to improve operational efficiency and elevate the quality of services provided to the public.

Open for application
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Sustainable Construction

Decent work and economic growth
Sustainable cities and communities
Responsible consumption and production

Many farms in Sweden have become too small to remain profitable, resulting in numerous unused buildings. These structures represent untapped potential for innovative uses that could support both the local economy and sustainable farming practices. Some farms have repurposed their buildings for caravan parking or storage, but Wallsnäs gård AB is keen on exploring more diverse and creative solutions. They are looking for ideas that can transform these empty spaces into productive assets, fostering community engagement and economic growth. What innovative and sustainable solutions can be proposed to maximize the use of these empty barn buildings?

Open for application
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Sustainable Construction

Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Sustainable cities and communities
Responsible consumption and production

Re-board is primarily used as display and construction material in the retail and expo segments today. Techniques like printing and cutting are widely employed to fully exploit the board's potential. Given its high strength-to-weight ratio, Re-board aims to explore new segments where its full potential can be realized. With new legislation and environmental targets promoting sustainability, the construction industry is increasingly adopting more sustainable materials to foster a circular economy.

Open for application
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Workers of the Future

Quality education
Decent work and economic growth
Industry, innovation and infrastructure

The manufacturing industry faces significant challenges in securing a skilled workforce. There is a notable shortage of workers capable of filling various professional roles within this sector. Existing "Yrkeshögskola" programs are insufficient, struggling with low enrollment and high dropout rates. Collaboration with local industries in Östergötland and Örebro counties aims to improve and innovate the design and marketing of these educational programs. Historically, institutions like the PACE Competences AB played a crucial role in industrial development by providing tailored training to meet the specific need of competencences expressed by the local actors within the sector.

Open for application
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Creation of digital Avatars

Good health and well-being
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Reduced inequalities

Loneliness is an urgent and growing issue that has developed significantly in recent years. As modern life becomes increasingly digital and people face more isolated lifestyles, the need for innovative solutions to address loneliness has become more pressing. The effects of loneliness on mental and physical health are profound, driving a critical demand for technologies that can offer companionship and emotional support.

Open for application
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Autonoums Delivery Robots

Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Sustainable cities and communities
Climate action

In today's rapidly evolving urban landscapes, there is a growing need for efficient, short-distance daily transportation solutions. With increasing traffic congestion and the push for eco-friendly alternatives, the demand for innovative delivery systems is more pressing than ever. As cities expand and the pace of life quickens, the necessity for reliable and swift delivery services that can navigate crowded urban environments becomes crucial. This scenario sets the stage for the development and deployment of advanced robotic delivery systems that can seamlessly integrate into daily life, providing convenience while reducing environmental impact.

Open for application
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Emergency Care Outside the Urban Core

Good health and well-being
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Sustainable cities and communities

Today, tests are being conducted around the country using drones to deliver defibrillators during cardiac arrest, where every minute counts. Drones could also be used to transport medical supplies to those in need in more remote areas. In addition, media transmission from an accident site using drones could improve decision-making before ambulance care arrives. Region Östergötland wants help to find out what's required to transport defibrillators or other medical supplies with drones outside urban areas? How can we enable surveillance and media transmission from an accident site?

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The Future of Medical Transport

Good health and well-being
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Sustainable cities and communities

How can drones enhance our transport methods? What is the economic viability of using drones compared to current transport modes? Can we create predetermined, approved flight routes for the drones? Welcome to a forward-thinking challenge where you explore the possibility of using drones for medical transport. Region Östergötland (RÖ) has identified a need to streamline and expedite transport between Primary Care units, vaccination clinics, and other health and medical services. Seize the opportunity to help Region Östergötland step into the future!

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Empowering Farmers with Sustainable Energy Solutions

Affordable and clean energy
Responsible consumption and production
Climate action

Lovang Lantbrukskonsult AB is an advisory service for farmers, primarily in Östergötland. The importance of energy has increased due to environmental challenges such as global warming and climate change. However, recent events such as the Russian aggression have also highlighted the vulnerability issues. This development affects society as a whole and Swedish agriculture in particular. The goal is to find different solutions to become energy independent at farm level. We are looking for a solution that can benefit our farmers and, at the same time, lead to new business opportunities. Ultimately, this challenge offers a chance to make a meaningful contribution towards a more sustainable future for the Swedish agricultural industry.  

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How to make empty premises visible

Decent work and economic growth
Sustainable cities and communities
Responsible consumption and production

Sankt Kors is a municipality-owned company that builds and develops properties in Linköping for new companies and companies in change. The company wants help to find new angles and suggestions on how the visualisation of empty premises can be done, both physically at the premises but also digitally. This challenge also involves getting the right stakeholders into the right environments. How can Sankt Kors highlight the USPs for their areas in a better way? How design the communication in a way that makes it clearer? And how create an area outside the middle of the city centre that still feel central?

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Developing VentMee - the future platform for bringing people together

Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Sustainable cities and communities

VentMee is a digital service developed by a student at Linköping University, designed to enable efficient ticket management in a social student environment. VentMee also strives to make social interactions easier and bring people closer together. How can VentMee be developed to become the platform everyone wants but does not yet exist? Within this challenge, you get the chance to work closely with a student-driven startup and with the opportunity to influence the development process of this product. “The sky is the limit.”

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How can we make companies more sustainable by using Tiklo?

Decent work and economic growth
Sustainable cities and communities

Tiklo is a (technological) tool for smart operations that businesses can use to improve their operational efficiency, but it can also be used in many other ways. Redapes, the StartUp company behind Tiklo, now wants to gain knowledge of how Tiklo can be used to further the sustainable impact for companies’ internal organizational purposes, but also for external perspectives (social, economic, and ecological). Redapes is also looking to expand the areas of use and adapt to already existing operations. Do you want to help?

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A tool that facilitates Reijmyre Glasworks' modernisation and digitisation

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Reijmyre Glassworks, a company founded in 1810, produce high-quality crystal glassware. The products are still handmade in the same place in Rejmyre, Sweden. The company is modernising and digitising its operation to increase production efficiency while adapting to new market conditions and targeting new customers. At the same time, the company need to attract, educate and take care of the next generation of glassblowers to preserve the local traditional craft of glass manufacturing. Reijmyre Glassworks is now looking for a tool to connect its present business systems and operational routines to facilitate communication between different teams within the company.

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The city centre of the future

Sustainable cities and communities

Linköping City Samverkan AB shall strengthen Linköping city’s position against other cities, external shopping and be a united force to boost the appeal of the city centre and support commercial, social and cultural growth. As Linköping grows and conditions of the surrounding environment change, the city centre, with its density and identity, needs to continue to develop. Linköping City Samverkans’ face the challenge of creating a lively city centre based on an innovative citizen dialogue for gathering insights. How do they develop a more lively and attractive city centre where everyone feels included? 
